Thursday, January 17, 2013

Super Simple Soup

Keeping it simple when things get complicated

If I had to sum up the departing year in two words, I would say it has been a "mixed bag". On the one hand I gained a lovely niece who is too cute for words. I got a new job working for the schools. No longer am I stuck behind a cash register performing the same meaningless task over and over for 8 hours! I feel like my job has real purpose now. I adopted a dog Jack, from the shelter and for my birthday Bryan bought me a bird, Gandalf. I got 3 weeks off over winter break and have been exercising and eating healthier than ever. However, on the other hand my favourite Uncle passed away this year. I only got the school job after quitting my job at a call center after a month because it caused me to have crippling panic attacks. My new job pays well but I only work 3 hours a day, causing me to be in a bit of a panic about money. I originally got two birds for my birthday, and the second one, Snow (a sweet little love bug) passed away. Jack is a good dog but has some dog aggression and now I have the added responsibility of having to walk him every few hours because we live in an apartment. So, being an anxious person by nature, I'm a bit on edge lately. It feels sometimes like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop! 

It's at times like these that I want comfort food. And no, I don't mean I've been binging on all the candy leftover from Christmas! I crave soup! A nice warm broth with lots of oregano and sage, mixed with rice and some fresh vegetables. I could eat it all day! My basic recipe was inspired by Susan's blog at but I like to think i've given it my own little twist. This simple soup is delicious with almost any veggie you can think of. I like to make one on Saturdays when I'm down to my last few bits of veggies before I stock up at Sunday's farmers market. 

Simple Soup:

1 onion, diced
3 bulbs garlic (or more if you love garlic like me)
2 celery sticks, chopped
2 large carrots, chopped
6-8 cups broth (I use 6-8 cups of water mixed with Rapunzel Vegan Salt Free bouillon cubes)
1/2 cup wild rice
2-3 leaves fresh sage, chopped finely. (Or 1 tsp dried sage)
fresh or dried oregano to taste (I use 1 tsp dried)
1 cup mushrooms (I think fresh Oyster mushrooms are the best here)
1 can garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
1 cup brussel sprouts (or other green veggie in season like zucchini, kale, cabbage)
1/2 tsp salt (optional)
1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper 

In a large pot, add onion and garlic and cook on medium heat until onion begins to turn clear. (2-3 minutes) Add carrots and celery and let cook another 2-3 minutes. Add broth and rice, let come to a boil. Add mushrooms, beans, brussel sprouts and spices and lower heat to simmer for 20 minutes until the rice is fully cooked. Feel free to top with more freshly ground pepper before serving nice and hot!

*Note: I grow my own sage and then hang it to dry. If you have any it really does add amazing flavor to the soup. It's a simple plant to grow! I've also seen them selling bunches at the Santa Clarita farmers market for only $1. What a deal! You can dry it and have sage all winter!

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