Thursday, May 31, 2012

Some Favorite Vegan Things

So me and my roomate Mike were sitting around the house talking about food. Now I was surprised by the fact that he, a very intelligent well read individual had not realized there were so many vegan options for cheese, milk, etc out there! I have experienced this with other people at my work as well who just seem totally lost as to where to even begin, or how they would replace the food they are used to with vegan options. So I'm taking the time today to make a list of all my favorite things :p Just a sample list, totally biased, of some vegan options you might not have heard about that are fantastic! Maybe the next time you are in the store, try one of these options in lieu of your normal choice, that's one choice toward a better life for you, the animals and the planet!

Ice Cream:

So before Turtle Mountain started making their ice cream "Soy Delicious", I thought soy ice cream was terrible!! I had only had the kind by Soy Dream which, quite frankly, I find nasty and bland. These tubs come in Ben and Jerry sizes, bigger tubs, bars and sandwich cookies! Yummo! They make them in coconut milk and almond milk now for those who have trouble with soy! 

Almond dream also recently came out with chocolate covered ice cream bon bons that are to die for! Even my aunt who is married to a butcher and is french so loves everything dairy couldn't get enough of them!

I am also quite fond of Tempt's Hemp Milk Ice Creams! The Coffee Biscotti is quite delish. And bonus, most people who have nut and soy allergies i've known have no problem with Hemp! Though, obviously know your allergies before experimenting!

If you're in the LA area rejoice! There is now a vegan ice cream parlour! Though they use honey in some of their ice creams :( . Still its quite yummy! See my blog other blog post for the full rundown on Kind Kreme!


Yes, these options are a little more limited, and if you dont like dark chocolate you might not be a happy camper! But I love the Krispy Kat bars at Whole Foods! Milky chocolatey goodness over coconut and nuts...yummy! Endangered species chocolate is another favorite of mine! I have yet to try many other candies that await me out there as I am watching my girlish figure!


Veg News is a wonderful magazine publication that comes out about once every two months! Seeing it at my local Whole Foods always brightens my day because it makes me feel less alone in the world. Inside you will find leading political information, the latest in scientific discoveries, wonderful recipes, travel tips, shopping tips and basically the scoop on everything new in the Vegan world. I highly recommend picking the next one up! It's been a wonderful source of information over the years!

One of my favorite books on veganism and the reasons for switching over is Vegan With A Vengeance! This book literally converted me back to being a vegan after a depressing reversion. If you need concrete reasons to go vegan that you can tell people so they understand what you're supporting and defend yourself at uncomfortable dinner parties, this is the book for you. I love that it's backed by well educated professionals (like Harvard alumni doctors). At the very least it will give you a laundry list of reasons not to go back to meat and give those nagging doubters who question your priorities something to think on. 

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